安全 可靠 精密 简单
2019上海国际衡器展, E2,2116-2166
作者:管理员    发布于:2019-07-04 16:27:27    文字:【】【】【】浏览 (1744)

Trade Shows Huace will be participating at various trade shows and events throughout the year. 

InterWEIGHING - Huace Sensor, Booth 2161,2166 July 10-12, 2019.-  Shanghai, China -  

Shanghai New International Expo Center Various non-automatic weighing instruments, automatic weighing instruments. All kinds of scales, balance, weighing system, indicator, load cell, weights, testing instrument and device, electronic component and materials used in weighing instrument.

宁波华测传感技术有限公司 版权所有 技术支持:浙江七米

电话:+86-574-86628282 传真:+86-574-86628283 

邮箱:huace@huacesensor.com   sales@huacesensor.com  info@huacesensor.com